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Reply - Write a reply to the sender of an email.
Reply All - Write a reply to the sender of an email, any additional contacts attached to the original email will also receive a copy of the reply.
Forward - Send an email or email chain from any of your folders to another contact.
Print - Print out any email, granted you have a printer connected to the computer.
Mark as Read/Unread - Mark a previously read email, as unread and vice versa.
Mark All as Read/Unread - Marks a group of emails as Read/Unread.
Flag - Mark the email with a red flag, ideal for indicating an email's increased urgency to the recipient, or simply to find it easier within your other emails.
Move to Junk - Removes the selected email and places it in the Junk folder, but doesn't delete it completely.
Delete - Used in cases when an email is not needed, this option removes an email from your Inbox and places it in the Trash folder.
Archive - Similarly to the Delete option, archiving an email is a good way to organize your Inbox and remove unnecessary emails. However, in this case the emails in question are placed in the Archives folder, rather than the Trash bin and can be viewed at any time.

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