Insert a custom page break in Sheets


Insert a custom page break in Sheets Windows

The option allows you to customize your printed Sheets files by inserting custom page breaks wherever you want to.

1. Open your Sheets file.

To insert a vertical page break, click on the column’s title from which where you want to insert the page break. The page break will be inserted before the selected column.

To insert a horizontal page break, click the row’s title where you want to insert the page break. The page break will be inserted above the selected row.

2. Click Page Layout, then Page Breaks.

3. Click Insert Page Breaks.

*If only a cell is selected, Insert Page Break inserts vertical and horizontal breaks crossing on the upper left corner of the selected cell.

To remove all inserted custom page breaks

1. Click Page Layout.

2. Click Page Breaks.

3. Click Reset All Page Breaks.

To remove just one or more page breaks

1. Click on the cell where you have inserted the page break.

2. Click Page Layout.

3. Click Page Breaks.

4. Click Remove Page Break.

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